Vision Insurance vs Medical Insurance
There are two types of health insurance that will help pay for your eye health services and products. You may have both types and Eye Desire and Hunter's Hill Eye Care Center accepts most vision care plans and insurance plans in both categories: (1) vision plans and (2) medical insurances.
Vision plans cover only routine eye exams and may include eyeglasses, sunglasses and contact lenses benefits.
Vision plans do not provide for medical eye health care needs (such as glaucoma testing, macular degeneration, cataracts, red eyes, dry eye, conjunctivitis, emergency visits, further diagnostic testing). For these additional tests or office visits your medical insurance can be billed if applicable. Please keep in mind that if you have not met your deductible for the year yet you will most likely not be covered and have to pay out of pocket. If this is the case we will gladly provide you with a receipt of services or we can send in your expenses to your insurance provider so that it can be applied towards your deductible.
If you have any questions regarding your specific plan or if we accept it please call our office today and have both your vision and medical insurance information ready.
​Vision insurance is typically available in two forms: as a discount vision plan or a vision benefits package. Both of these plans can be custom designed to meet the needs of different employers and organizations.
Davis Vision
Vison Service Plan (VSP)
Vision Benefits of America (VBA)
If your insurance requires you to have an insurance referral, you must obtain one prior to your scheduled visit.​
Aetna HMO & PPO Maryland and Pennsylvania
Capitol Blue Cross
Federal BC/BS
Highmark Blue Sheild
Medicare Railroad
Preferred Health Network (PHN)
South Central Preferred
United Healthcare
Central PA Teamsters
Many employers are offering Flexible Spending Account (FSA) options to employees. Sometimes these are referred to as cafeteria plans and are elective, supplemental insurance savings plans. These plans are designed to let you save money in an account, pre-tax, to pay for additional medical expenses such as eye exams, glasses, contacts, and often laser vision surgery. Check with the benefits administrator at your work to see if you are eligible for this program. FSAs can typically be used in conjunction with any vision insurance plan to offset any out-of-pocket costs on your behalf.
Our office will submit the necessary information to Medicare and we will accept Medicare assignment. Medicare will pay 80% of the approved bill. The remaining 20% and any non-covered services ($40.00 refraction fee NOT covered by Medicare) willl be the responsibility of you or your private insurance company.
To patients with Blue Shield and many of the commercial insurance plans listed below: Our office will submit the necessary information for those patients whose coverage includes the services provided. If your plan does not cover office visits, you will need to submit a claim to your Plan.
Our billing department is available to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have about costs. If you should experience financial difficulties, please contact our Patient Accounts Manager, who will work with you to customize a payment schedule.
Hunter's Hill Eye Care Center no longer participates in any Medicaid/Medical Assistance, Access, and CHIP program.
Payment for all services is the responsibility of the patient. Payment for office visits is expected at the time of your visit when service is provided. As a patient, you will be given an itemized receipt that may be attached to any form your insurance company requires. Payments may be made in Cash, Check, or by Visa, MasterCard, or Discover, and or Care Credit.